
Monday 5 March 2018

Song Research

Song: Justin Bieber - All That Matters

What is my song about?  My song's about a girl that Bieber appreciates and likes in his life. Being with her is all that matters to him.

What is my rehearsal goal for this week? Find room for improvements and become more fluent with my chord progression.

Thursday 16 November 2017

Helping The Homeless

The topic my group (Female Dogg) picked was homelessness and we needed to raise money to buy them a gift of essential items.

Our first action was actually enabled by a disabler, we were initially going to do a mufti day. But we were unable to, due to it being unfair, because if one group does it everyone else will want to do it too. So we chose to do a raffle instead.

We needed to get permission from Mr. Rogers to do our raffle. Oceana emailed him asking for permission and it was approved. Luckily we had no disablers during this process. This was our first step into the right direction to help the homeless.

 We then advertised our raffle by putting up posters and went into classrooms to explain what is was, how you could enter and why we're doing it. The majority of the entries were from the staff of HHS. 
Problems came here and there but there was one specific problem which was buying the raffle items. Mr. Aitken was kind enough to use his own money and bought the raffle items. After that we were all set to host a raffle and we raised roughly $100+ 

On Thursday the 7th of December we drew the raffle and Mrs. Beer won it, she was very excited and happy that she won. Because of that we have made a positive impact in the community already. Oceana also used the money we raised to buy the items we're giving to the homeless. 

We have given the bag to a homeless and we hope it helps them. Maybe this will spread some kindness and have a chain reaction. Pass it forward.

"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." - Aesop

Wednesday 15 November 2017

PBL Action Plan

Steps needed to achieve the goal.
What will help us achieve this goal?(Enablers)
Possible barriers and how they could be overcome.
Who is responsible for this step?
Date this step will be achieved by.
Emailing Mr rogers and asking him if we can have a raffle
Having his email address
Mr. rogers saying yes
Mr. rogers saying no
We could overcome this by hosting the raffle on our own
Having a successful raffle
People buying raffle tickets
No one buying the tickets we can overcome this by  expanding the knowledge of our existence by advertising the raffle with posters
Sapphire, Oceana & James
Before 8.12.17 and hopefully from 20.11.17 - 24.11.17
To get the blankets, clothes, etc. for the homeless
A teacher taking us to buy them
Having the funds to actually buy it
Getting permission to go and buy them
Ask Mr. Rogers
Not having permission to leave the school
Not having the funds
Basically the opposite of the things that will help us achieve this
We could overcome this by having someone else such as a teacher for us.
Sapphire, Oceana & James
After the raffle is complete so we have some funds at least
Giving the bag of goods we raised money for to organisations to give to the homeless
Finding a trustable organisation transport with a teacher
using our own time to deliver them or getting other people to deliver them for us such as through the organisations for safety reasons.
Sapphire, Oceana & James
Before or on the 8th of december

Project Based Learning

For project based learning, Sapphire, Oceana and I have chosen to help the homeless and make a positive impact on the community in New Zealand and possibly around the world too.
Our group name is Female Dogg

Here are the ideas we've come up with to help them: 
    • Do a mufti day to Raise Money
    • For the mufti day make posters, to spread awareness   
    • Interview them and write their stories on a blogpost.
    • If we need to raise more money we can maybe do a sausage sizzle and all the money goes towards the things they will need
    • Maybe we can get My fathers Barbers to cut their hair
    • Raffle
    • Make food
    • Raise money and donate to a campaign that’s already raising money for the homeless
I have only looked a few websites such as Mother Nature Network which has assisted in giving me some ideas to help the homeless.

We could choose a few of the most effective ways of helping from the list above and go through with them to ensure we aren't wasting our time and resources. We've also encountered a big obstacle in which we can't have a mufti day at school, our solution is possibly doing a raffle.

If you walk past a homeless and you don't have anything to give them just be friendly, acknowledge them, show them a bit of compassion and say hello or good morning. Homeless people lose the feeling of being a person and people act like they're not there when they walk past. 

Friday 27 October 2017

Seismograph Project

The seismograph Sonny and I made swings back and forth well whereas drawing the line doesn't always work too well. As you can see from the second photo.

We could improve this design by making sure the pen always touches the paper to avoid random separate lines.

Thursday 28 September 2017

Gymnastics PE Year 10

Floor - Merit
I learnt how to arabesque, cartwheel, forward roll, jump full turn, backward roll in a sequence. I could improve by doing the sequence fluent and flow smoothly

Parallel bars - Excellence
I learnt how to forward roll on the parallel bars and backwards dismount. I could improve by keeping my body straight like a pencil to make it look better and not like a frog.

Horizontal bars - Merit
I didn't learn anything.

Wednesday 6 September 2017

Creative Writing - English

  Image result for therizinosaurus

In the primitive lands when there were dinosaurs, farming resources was difficult to achieve without coming back with injuries. A risk we all take.  However I was not afraid. I needed resources such as wood, stone, flint and fibre to extend my base, working my way up to higher equipment. There are a lot of trees, plants and rocks all around me. Before leaving my base to gather resources, I packed a few things to ensure my safety and mend myself if needed. As I leave I noticed many types of dinosaurs in the distance, hoping that they would move further away from their positions. I then began to chop wood, pick at rocks and collect fibre from plants while being aware of my dangerous surroundings.

As I finish up on chopping some wood I see a large dinosaur heading towards me. I took a large shit before making my way back, I tried to walk but I realised that I was encumbered. While thinking of a way to move the dinosaur had spotted me. It was a Therizinosaurus. They had talons the size of my arms, it's beak looked as strong as titanium and it looked like a large bird, a dangerous one. I had to figure out a way to escape while still bringing back the resources.

My heart is racing, I’m in a constant state of fear. What am I going to do? I felt like I was going to piss myself. I can't push myself to move even the slightest as my knees were weak, arms spaghetti I thought I had no escape. I had to act fast as the Therizinosaurus was getting closer.

As I scanned the area for an escape route I then came up with a plan, it may not be the most stable plan but it's all I had thought of. I dropped half of the resources I had and that lifted a lot of weight off my back. I used the last of my super saiyan energy and sprinted towards the cliff I saw earlier. I planned to jump of the cliff as I was carrying my handy parachute. I could see it's razor sharp talons reaching out towards me from the corner of my eye.

I reached the edge of the cliff and leaped out for my life and pulled or my parachute. Before I knew it, the Therizinosaurus tore a hole in my parachute and left me to the fate of it. The dinosaur was no longer my problem; landing alive was. In the end I landed safely in the ocean and returned to my base ready for another journey to come. I put my controller down and say to myself “Enough PlayStation for today."

Knowing that there was more trouble to come I was ready for it because it’s only a game  the end. Ark: Survival Evolved